วันจันทร์ที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Chapter12 knowledge management

Human resources are a critical factor in organizational success. To accomplish the corporate’ objective, high caliber staff must be involved in operation, asses results, and develop strategic move. The Siam Cement Group (SCG) has given human resources management a high priority since its founding more than 90 years ago, as reflected in one of the business philosophy: “Belief in the value of the individual”. The continued progress of the subsidiaries under the corporate over the years has earned recognition for the Group as a national leader in efficient human resources management

The Group’s quality in human resources management begins with highly-selective new hiring. Cementhai Career Choice is a proactive program that seeks to attract bachelor’s degree-level graduates of Thailand’s leading universities. To persuade MBA graduates from the top 10 universities in the United States and Europe, the Group has a program called the Top Ten University Recruitment.

Because personnel development is viewed as a long-term investment that helps ensure success and adds value to the organization, the Group undertakes a wide range of human resource development activities consistent with its growth strategy. Examples include the promulgation of Best Practices for various disciplines among Group companies through ongoing, year-round activities; the establishment of a Knowledge Management database system; constantly update training programs to keep abreast of changes in methods and practices; etc.

To encourage continued learning, the Group also provides scholarships for personnel to earn master’s degrees, work observation visits, and staff rotation. The Group operates a Competency-Based Management system that provides clear and continuos human resource management. Another program that enhance the competence of the workforce is the Group’s ongoing networking with various internationally-recognized educational and research institutions that help keep Group personnel at the leading edge, both domestically and regionally.

A commitment to ongoing improvement of our personnel management system has had a significant impact on human resource development and earned continuing recognition, as well as certification, with Siam Cement being the first company in Thailand to receive ISO 9001:2000 quality system certification for human resource management. These are not as important as having high-quality human resources with knowledge, capabilities, and integrity. They are a force for change and builders of a new corporate culture that can compete successfully in satisfying consumer needs on a global basis.

They ensure the Group will continue to evolve and grow, while adding shareholder value and strengthening Thailand.

